Sunday, June 19, 2016

My Big Sur

So I have been settled in Melbourne for a little over a week now.  I am staying in a small cabin-like place in the backyard of a house in Kew East, a suburb just east of Melbourne (see map).  I rented it in airbnb and the owner rents out the house as well.  He stays there sometimes but is about to take a winter holiday to Europe as he has a lot of family in Sweden.  His Dad was in the environmental field and he clued me into some of the work that has been done in the city.  They are really trying hard to rebuild healthy environments for wildlife and fish in the city here, and the work his Dad did laid some of that foundation!

Map of my location in Kew East in relation to Melbourne city with the Yarra River running through
Many Australian seem to take month long or longer holidays once a year with international travel being very common.  Southeast Asia is not very far, but many folks have told me of pretty big trips to the States as well.  Australia is pretty large though it can sometimes seem smaller on maps, and is essentially as big as the continental US, so while international travel is quite common, locals have also not yet made it to all regions of Australia itself, much like in the States.  I have only a few States I have yet to get to, and while I had hoped I might see ALL of Australia, this is just not a reality in a country this large!

My cabin in the 'burbs

View of the main house from inside my cabin
The suburb I live in is pretty quiet and actually reminds me a lot of the suburb Sellwood in Portland where Kara and I lived for our second year there.  Quiet residential streets with busy shops and nice restaurants at intersections of main roads.  Just nearby I have a grocery store and an intersection with several decent restaurants for take-away (take-out).  Chinese and Thai cuisine is common here due to proximity to those countries and not unlike America, though I will say the quality is a bit better here, which makes sense.  Menus are not as extensive but the dishes they do serve seem to be less homogenous and a bit tastier!  There are also loads of Italian places in this city, and I learned that after World War II, they opened up the gates to immigration and many Italians headed this way, as well as Greeks, though I have yet to find those influences in town, but I remember them from my previous trip.  We did have a grilled Greek cheese and figs appetizer at dinner the other night that was AWESOME though, and this was at a traditional Aussie pub.

One-room shack.

North-facing windows bring in a LOT of sunlight.  The weather was sunny for a few days when I first arrived but we are seeing Portland levels of clouds and gray and sprinkles now.

Futon bed, decently comfortable, but I miss my own!
I have a great wifi connection in my cabin and have been able to get quite a bit of work done so far.  It is weird to be isolated in a backyard in Australia and doing the same work I did at home, but the lack of distractions (GOOD distractions, Kara and Charlie) has been good for my progress.  I will be meeting with people at University of Melbourne and Monash University to collaborate though I will get the bulk of my work done in the cabin, so Kara has dubbed it my "Big Sur" because Jack Kerouac sought out isolation in a cabin there in the 50's to get away and get work done, though he did succumb to a bit of madness which I hope to stave off!

Mini but completely adequate kitchen with microwave, electric teapot, toaster, and fridge.

Bathroom with shower.
Though my place is small, it has really everything I need.  I am living much like I did when I lived in a cabin in Sequoia National Park, conserving dishes, utilizing small spaces, planning meals I can cook easily, etc.  It is pretty fun and I enjoy it.  Getting around the city is really easy with a dense network of buses, trams (light rail) and trains.  I had considered getting a bike and selling it at the end of summer but I feel like I can get around just fine with transport that I don't want to add that hassle.  I enjoy long walks anyway, and plan to get out on some along the trails by the river soon!

All for now, I will write about my work so far next.  I am off this morning to meet some friends and go to a large Sunday flea market then see "Finding Dory" at the movies as we felt we had to since it is based in the oceans of Australia.  Cheers!

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